Plagiarism is considered a form of intellectual theft and fraud. It involves using someone else's words or ideas and passing them off as your own by not providing credit, either deliberately or accidentally. However, it can also involve reusing your own work from a previous course, and passing it off as new work.
Plagiarism can include:
Plagiarism can be:
Adapted from Plagiarism Tutorial: 1. What is Plagiarism? Columbia College, Vancouver
Pirillo & Fitz, Comic about plagiarism,, URL.:
Be sure to edit your research paper carefully and check for plagiarism before turning it in to the class. The steps above are essential for research paper writing. Using plagiarism checker services such as WriteCheck is a great way to assess your paraphrasing and other anti-plagiarism skills. Most educators and educational institutions are using some kind of plagiarism checker software to check students’ papers. Do not take the chance of not checking your research paper. Plagiarism could mean the loss of your academic degree or career.
Citation tools are great for formatting, but you have to make sure the information included is correct. Always check your final citation before you use it!